Below you will find everything you need to know! Current for 2025 - Terms and Conditions can change from time to time - but we will let you know via email if they do!
1. Fee Policies
1.1 Fees are strictly payable by the due date on the invoice unless prior arrangement has been made.
1.2 Fees that remain outstanding by the due date will incur a $20 administration fee.
1.3 Failure to pay fees may result in loss of enrolment position.
1.4 Fees are calculate based on a 9-week term.
1.5 All Statutory holidays are observed and fees have been calculated over the year. Where classes fall on public holidays no refunds or make-up lessons are due.
1.6 Should it be necessary to move classes to an online learning space under Covid-19 restrictions, THESPA will do their best to offer as many classes as possible via Zoom. Classes that are not able to be offered in an online learning space will be credited on the invoice.
2. Refund Policies
2.1 Once a term has commenced there will be no refunds if a term is not completed.
2.2 In some cases of illness, injury or family emergency refunds may be considered at the discretion of the THESPA Staff.
2.3 THESPA classes are an all round experience and term prices are not calculated as an hourly rate. Your fees cover expenses of classes, THESPA guests flights and accommodation, studio running costs and more. Should a class be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances amongst the THESPA staff, refunds or make up classes will be at the discretion of the THESPA staff but are not guaranteed.
3. Uniform Policies
3.1 THESPA Uniform must be worn for all classes when available. No excess jewellery is permitted in class, with the exception of religious or cultural wear.
3.2 Hair is to be neat and tidy, and appropriately secured off the face. Those with long hair must tie in a bun for all classes.
3.3 A high standard of hygiene is expected from all students. Any student not meeting the expectations of personal hygiene may be asked to leave by THESPA staff.
3.4 Any student not appropriately dressed or groomed will not be able to participate in classes due to health and safety regulations and may be asked to leave.
4. Newsletters and Communications
4.1 It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to read and keep updated with all studio information emailed and also posted on the ‘THESPA: The Space of Performing Arts’ and ‘THESPA Members’ Facebook pages.
5. Health, Safety, Injury and Medical Conditions
5.1 THESPA is not responsible for any personal injury sustained or any loss of damage of personal property whilst on the premises.
5.2 All students are advised to warm up before entering their class as in some cases time of lesson does not permit this.
5.3 THESPA will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury. It should be recognised by all students, parents/guardians that dance and performance skills by their very nature carry risks of injury or accident.
5.4 THESPA provides qualified and/or experienced dance teachers who actively promote safe dance practice. This being the case it should be realised that injuries do occur from time to time and students must accept this element of risk.
5.5 Prior to the commencement of class, it is the students’ parents/guardians responsibility to inform the teacher of any pre- existing injuries being treated or of concern.
5.6 A first aid kit is available to any student through their teacher. We are not able to provide Panadol or equivalent or administer any other medications.
5.7 THESPA students are under supervision whilst in class at any time. While we endeavor to provide a safe environment, teachers and staff cannot be responsible for students outside their allocated class time. We ask that students 12 and under stay within the building until their parent/caregiver comes to collect them. Other arrangements made with parents/caregivers and their child are not the responsibility of THESPA.
5.8 No outside access is allowed to a child 12 and under years unless a child is supervised and this is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver. Students 12 and over may leave the building if they have the permission of the parent/caregiver.
5.9 Parents/caregivers should be available to collect dancers punctually at the end of the class. The teacher will remain on the premises until all of the pupils have left the dance building. Parent/caregiver collecting from the last class of the day must be on time for collection.
5.10 In case of evacuation, the assembly point will be outside the front doors to the THESPA Studios at the bottom of Currie Lane.
6. Examinations, Presentations and Tests
6.1 All syllabus ballet, jazz, tap and contemporary classes are taught with the intention that students will work towards sitting examinations. Students will be entered into examinations at the discretion of the students and parents.
6.2 Examination fees, competition fees, and costume fees are calculated separately from term fees.
6.3 THESPA will produce at least one (1) presentation for parents/caregivers and the public per year.
7. Choreography Policies
7.1 Unique choreography by a teacher for class, performance and competitions remains the artistic and intellectual property of that specific teacher. Choreography must not be copied or used without prior permission of the THESPA staff.
8. Class Policies, Equipment and Phones
8.1 Regular class attendance is vital for students to develop and keep abreast of their training. Students must be punctual to classes to ensure they are warmed up prior to class commencing. Students who fail to attend classes regularly may lose their enrolment position at the discretion of THESPA staff.
8.2 Classes will have a minimum and maximum roll requirement to ensure equal opportunity for students. This will vary depending on age, level and genre.
8.3 Teachers at THESPA provide fair treatment and teaching practice to all students in class.
8.4 THESPA maintains the right to dismiss any student who damages property and causes disruptions of a severe nature in any classes, or shows disrespect to any of the teaching staff.
8.5 All mobile phones are to be turned off or silenced while attending classes.
8.6 No filming or posting of any classes on social media is to take place without the permission of the teacher or director.
8.7 Students are permitted to use phones for necessary messaging or calls.
8.8 Phones being used for social media purposes is not permitted while at THESPA classes.
8.9 Filming of private tuition is permitted, however this is not to take place until the teacher advises you to do so.
8.10 Parents/caregivers are not permitted to watch THESPA classes without the permission of the teacher or director.
9. Photography and Videoing
9.1 Photography or videoing of students in class is not permitted without written permission from parents/caregivers and the teacher/director. This is for the safety and wellbeing of each individual student and to comply with the privacy act regulations. Videoing by the teacher is permitted where necessary.
9.2 Photos and videos of students may be used by THESPA for publicity and promotion. Please advise THESPA staff if you do not wish your child to be filmed for promotional purposes.
10. Privacy
10.1 This enrolment form collects personal information about you. Under the privacy act 1993 you are entitled to have access to, and request correction of this information. Click here to see what information is collected.
11. Complaints
11.1 Formal complaints should be made in writing to the staff at THESPA. We will contact the correspondent to verbally discuss the issue(s) and will also write a letter of reply making every effort to find a resolution.
11.2 THESPA will always aim to provide the highest quality care for students. We take complaints and/or criticisms very seriously